Trading fees on Metal X are based on the 30-day average trading volume of the user. Below are different tier categories based on volume and applicable fees.
Volume Fees
Metal X offers different discounts based on user/trader activity on the XPR Network blockchain. Below is the list of discounts offered.
The highest discount between the volume tier, staking tier, and DEX Key is applied.
Staking Discounts
Users can get a discount in fees based on how much XPR they have staked on the XPR Network Blockchain.
NFT discount
A trading discount is applied to users holding specific NFT DEX Keys. Users holding a limited edition NFT DEX Key are eligible to receive a 100% discount on fees.
Referral discount
The referral program is beneficial for both the referrer and referee as they both earn rewards from the fees. This program is applicable only for new wallets/accounts.
The referral program only applies to fees earned on the DEX section of DEX and not the Swap section.