This guide will show you how to create a vanity address on the XPR Network blockchain. Vanity addresses end in domains that currently include:
- .xpr
- .btc
- .eth
- .bnb
Before getting started:
- Have 50 XPR available for each address you intend to create. This is the cost of creating a vanity address.
- Have your WebAuth Wallet app ready
- Open the XPR Network Explorer
Linking an Existing account to new Vanity Address
- Go to Create Account on XPR Network Resources
- Login on XPR Network Resources
Login to the XPR Network Explorer with your WebAuth Wallet app
- In the top menu bar, click Wallet.
- In the left menu bar, click Keys and Permissions.
- Scroll to the bottom and find where it says owner(1).
- Copy this PUB_K1 to your clipboard
- Back on XPR Network Resources Create Account page, enter an account name of your choice with the domain of your choice (.xpr, .btc, .eth, .bnb)
- Paste the PUB_K1 from Step 3 in the "Account Public Key" box.
- Create account.
- You have successfully linked a new Vanity Address to your existing XPR Network account!