This guide will show you how to Harvest the xToken Rewards you have yielded from the Farm without any hassle.
Before starting:
- You will need to create an account and complete verification
- You will need at least a pair of LP tokens already added to a Farm, check out this guide.
- Key Terms
- xTokens: Crypto that is wrapped in XPR Network (XPR).
- Liquidity Pool (LP) Token: It is a pair of applicable xTokens that can be added to Farms from Pools. When added to the Farms, you will begin to earn rewards for yielding.
- Yield: Interest you receive on LP Tokens, which represent the liquidity you provided.
- Yield Farming: The process of earning interest on LP Tokens.
ℹ️ The xTokens that you yield when you Farm depends on what pairs you've added to the Farm. To see what xToken you will be paid out in, click on the Farm pair you're interested in and it will show you what you will receive under 'Rewards Earned'
(i.e. XPR is paid out for XPR-USDC pairs, whereas LOAN is paid out for XPR-LOAN pairs)
- In Metal X, on the 'Farms' tab (Metal X Farms) and connect your Wallet
- To start claiming your yield, click on your desired Yield Farming pair and click the 'Harvest' button and authorize the transaction with your WebAuth wallet.
Once authorized, you will see a 'Successfully harvested rewards' message on your screen once it has been successfully harvested and then your yield will begin to accrue again!
Additional Resources:
- Want to Swap your yield rewards for another xToken on Metal X Swap? Click here to learn how to Swap on Metal X.
- Want to add your Rewards back into a Liquidity Pool? Follow the steps to add pairs to the Liquidity Pool.
- Want to then add your new LP tokens back into your current Farm stake? Click on 'Update Stake' and adjust your stake percentage!
- Want to stake your XPR? Click here to learn how to stake your XPR within the Wallet.
- Want to stake your LOAN? Click here to learn how to stake your LOAN on Metal X Lending.
If you have any questions about this guide or just want to say “Hi”, follow our Metallicus Client Services+ Help Center on X (@MetalHelpsMe) to stay up to date and learn how to get the most out of your XPR Network experience!